Tag Archives: Hemp

Day 10 & 11 – Why I love my dresses.

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I was going to write a tres interesting post about my two dresses and the reasons I love them (sounds thrilling, right?) but I can’t find my camera! Shoot.

I’m trying to heed the advice of one of my loveable readers, who said that posts with pictures are easier on the eyes.  So till I find the camera, your eyes will have to wait.

Peas. xo

Oh you lucky things! I found it!

Ok, Dress 1 and Why I Love It.

1. It’s super cute

2. Despite the fact it may look shapeless here, it’s really flattering!

3.  I bought it from a ‘vintage’ store.  Which means, it’s second hand and as good as emission-less right?  No new materials were used to make it, and the only energy used would have been getting it to the shop – however that happened.  Woot!

Ok, Dress 2 and Why I Love It.

1. It’s cute enough

2. It’s comfy and still in good condition despite the fact that I bought it in August and have worn it extensively since then

3. It’s made from hemp! I bought it at the Camden Markets in London from a store called Braintree.  This was made from new materials, but hemp is generally regarded as a pretty eco-friendly material.  Here as some reasons why.

Hemp, and Why I Love It.

1. Products made from hemp are 100% biodegradable, recyclable, and reusable.

2. For every 4 acres of trees needed annually to make paper, you only need 1 acre of hemp. Hemp paper can also be recycled 7-8 times, whereas normal paper can only be reused 3-4 times.

3. Hemp produces lots of oxgyen while growing, and can actually clean up toxins from the ground. It was used during the Chernobly nuclear crisis to remove radioactive elements from the ground! Wow.

Ok, that’s the end.  I got my hemp facts from Natural-Environments.com in case you’re wondering.  Not my head.  Although they’re in there now.
